Seniority Club Membership

Becoming a member of the Seniority Club is a great way to show your support of Age Concern’s work in the Wellington Region. Seniority Club members are invested in what we’re doing and want to help us reach more isolated and lonely seniors. Plus, you’ll receive our quarterly magazine Seniority in the mail! 

We’d love to have you on our team! To join, just fill in the form below, or phone us on 04 499 6646.

Seniority Club member benefits

Please call us on 04 499 6646 or email for more information about Seniority Club membership benefits.

To become a Seniority Club member, just fill in the form below. You can pay your membership fee using this secure form. If you prefer not to pay with a credit card below, you can make your payment via internet banking to our bank account

Account Name: Age Concern Wellington Region Trust
Account No: 38-9025-0361487-00
Putting your name and membership as a reference.

You can also call and pay over the phone with a Visa or Debit Card call
04 499 6646 option 7.

You can view our Privacy Policy here.