Our Services

Community Support Services

The Community Support and Outreach Co-ordinator is the hub of the Age Concern Wellington office. Enquiries on all manner of subjects are answered and referrals made to our own service co-ordinators or other agencies. Links are established and maintained with other social service providers in the area to ensure we stay up to date with the issues facing our seniors and the steps being taken to deal with issues.

We are also launching the Connect! Programme, which focuses on helping older people thrive and become engaged with their communities through social connection. The aim of the programme is to increase seniors’ participation levels in the many activities that are already available in the community, and start groups where needed.

If you have a question or a referral contact us.

Age Concern Visiting Service

Our visiting service provides companionship to people who feel lonely and isolated. Our volunteer visitors spend an hour a week with a lonely person and make a real difference in their lives. 

If you’re feeling lonely and would like someone to talk to once a week, read more about the service here, or contact us to request a visitor.

Not everybody has somebody!

Can you give one hour a week to visit a lonely older person? Find out about volunteering here.

Steady As You Go classes

We currently have 10 Steady As You Go (SAY Go) classes around the Wellington region. These classes are designed to your improve strength and balance and reduce the likelihood of a fall. 
Classes consist of a combination of sitting, standing and walking exercises and take around an hour.  The classes are ideal for complete beginners, are ongoing and you can find out how you’ve improved over your first 10 weeks. 

Classes are established by one of our staff members with the aim of becoming peer-led at the end of the 10 weeks.

Find your nearest class here.

Staying Safe Driving Courses

Staying Safe is a workshop for older people who want to keep driving safely for as long as possible.

The classroom based course provides older drivers with knowledge of the Road Code, ideas to assist drivers with how to compensate for slower reaction time, ways to navigate routes, and other tips to help to prevent accidents.

Senior drivers who participate in the workshops will have a greater awareness of safe driving practice. They will have also improved their knowledge of the road rules and learnt techniques to enable them to compensate for the effects of ageing.

For more information contact us.