Making new friends, Sharing interests, Fun and companionship
Porirua U3A is one of several U3A groups in the Wellington region, with Tawa U3A to the south and Kapiti U3A to the north up the coast. Our focus is on giving our members opportunities to learn, the chance to get to know others in the same area, and a way to share their interests, skills and knowledge.
Employment provides stimulation, ongoing learning and social interaction, and moving into part-time work or out of paid work altogether represents an entirely new phase of our lives. This new stage may seem daunting in some ways, perhaps empty as social connections are left behind, along with the interest and stimulation that a workplace provides. There can also be a loss of self-esteem and confidence. The U3A model, based on lifelong learning and the sharing of knowledge and skills, is designed to help people make this transition. Joining Porirua U3A costs only $15 a year, we have quarterly meetings with a shared lunch and guest speaker, and several interest groups cater for the varying interests of our members. These include book groups, bridge, creative writing, visits to theatrical shows, a garden group, family history, Travellers’ Tales where we learn about the trips members have taken in New Zealand and overseas, Mah Jong, a handcraft group where members practise all kinds of craft, current affairs, science, poetry appreciation and play readings, a walking group, scrabble, and film visits. The number of interest groups is still growing.
Our members also have free access to the range of Interest Groups run by Tawa U3A, our southern neighbour, and so have even a greater variety of activities in which to take part. For example, some of our members sing in the Tawa choir, and Tawa U3A members have joined us for our quarterly meetings, seminars and day-trips.
As well as our quarterly meetings and Interest Groups we also arrange the occasional one-off events, such as a recent day trip to the Wairarapa. The Committee is considering further such events for later this year or next.
Porirua U3A welcomes members from all walks of life, whatever work they might have done and whatever their background. We offer social gatherings and stimulation, not only to the newly-retired but also to all those who might have lost loved ones or suffered other setbacks and be looking for new friendships and connections. For many people our U3A offers a way back into the community, and a sense of purpose at times of loneliness or grief.
Joining us is simple. Please visit for details. We always look forward to meeting new members and you will be very welcome.