Making Connections

Seniors: register now for Making Connections Day - 2 October 2024

Join us for a very special SENIORS’ WEEK 2024 event!

  • Make connections with other seniors
  • Make connections with organisations and businesses that can help you
  • Make connections with Age Concern

Where: St James Theatre
When: Wednesday, 2 October, 9am till 3pm
Entry Cost: FREE!

Thanks to our sponsors, AMP, Venues Wellington, Wellington City Council, Summerset, TaskMasters, we’re happy to bring another fabulous Making Connections Day to you.

At Making Connections, you’ll have the opportunity to enjoy some great presentations and seminars, get advice and support and enjoy lunch and a cuppa with new friends. This special Seniors’ Week event was popular last year (all spaces taken) so register quick to reserve your seat today.

Seminars include:

  • Keynote address by Hon Casey Costello, Minister for Seniors
  • Scam Prevention
  • Brain Health Seminar
  • Tech Support

See the full programme below.

On-site Tech Support

At Making Connections, you’ll have the opportunity to get some tech support from some amazing volunteers from AMP. At recent Tea and Tech days, AMP volunteers were able to help many seniors with various tech issues including watching TV on a tablet, navigating a new laptop and installing apps like WhatsApp and Nymbl (ACC’s new fitness app). They’ll be available again at Making Connections to help you with any tech issues you have. Just bring your device and visit the Tea and Tech station on the day.


9 – 10am
Morning tea, time to visit information tables and Tech Support

10 – 10.25am
Age Concern Welcome

10.25 – 11am
Keynote Speaker, Hon Casey Costello, Minister for Seniors

11.05 – 11.45am
Brain Health Presentation – Preventing Mild Cognitive Impairment – Emma Fromings

11.45 – 11.55am
Kay sponsor presentation

12 – 12.45pm
Lunch, time to visit information tables & Tech Support

12.45 – 1.15pm
Gentle Falls Prevention Exercise taster

1.20 – 1.45pm
Downsizing and Decluttering Tips

1.50 – 2.20pm
Scam Prevention Seminar

2.20 – 3pm
Fun Quiz with Spot Prizes