Our very special SENIORS’ WEEK 2024 event was a fantastic success!
- We did see seniors make connections with other seniors
- We did see seniors make connections with organisations and businesses that can help you
- And Age Concern did make connections with You.
The St James Theatre hosted us on Wednesday, 2 October, 9am till 3pm, for this FREE event!
We had over 160 people attend this fantastic event and hope you all enjoyed yourselves as much as the team at Age Concern Wellington did.

Thanks to our sponsors, AMP, Venues Wellington, Wellington City Council, Summerset, Task Masters, for helping us bring another fabulous Making Connections Day to you.
At Making Connections, seniors had the opportunity to enjoy some great presentations and seminars, get advice and support and enjoy lunch and a cuppa with new friends. This special Seniors’ Week event was very well attended with over 160 seniors registered and 14 organisations on board to provide educational information to seniors.
Seminars included:
- Keynote address by Hon Casey Costello, Minister for Seniors
- Scam Prevention
- Brain Health Seminar
- A Steady As You Go Taster by the lovely Ann. We are pretty sure we created a record for the largest class size ever held! (see pic above)
- Decluttering Tips
- Tech Support
It was a full and engaging day.

On-site Tech Support
At Making Connections, seniors had the opportunity to get tech support from the amazing volunteers from AMP. At recent Tech days, AMP volunteers were able to help many seniors with various tech issues including watching TV on a tablet, navigating a new laptop and installing apps like WhatsApp and Nymbl (ACC’s new fitness app). They were available at Making Connections to help you with any tech issues and we were thrilled to see how busy you kept them with up to 30 of you taking the opportunity to visit them throughout the day. Thanks AMP for your support on the day and as our GOLD Sponsors for this event.