
How to Make Friends When You are Old

A poem on friendship and ageing, by Rachel McAlpine

And why. But you know why.
You get comfy cosy in your huddle
your bubble of old friends
and then it pops, they move away or die
and you shut yourself away

forgetting there are other people
not your darling gone friends
but people and you need them
to stimulate and irritate
and entertain and shape your day.

You are lonely. You know that no one’s perfect
and everyone’s an only
and everyone’s a little strange
deep down.

These strangers won’t be what you’re looking for.
They may be what you’re looking at.
They are people, they are worth it.
They might put up with you
and they could be your friends.

Thank you Rachel McAlpine for permission to reprint your beautiful poem!

If you’re a senior in the Wellington Region and you feel a little lonely, please call 04 499 6648 for more information about the Accredited Visitor Service. If you’d like to volunteer for this service, we’d also love to hear from you…

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