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Changes at Age Concern Wellington Region

Age Concern Wellington Region is changing its structure from an Incorporated Society to a Charitable Trust. The move follows from the revision and update of the Incorporated Societies Act. The aim is to simplify the governance structure with a reduction in the numbers of decision makers, mainly because many of our members do not wish to participate in the governance.

The Age Concern Wellington Region Trust has been established and will be operational from March.

What does this mean for members? Only the technical aspects of administration changes, with a new bank account, IRD number and Charity Services number. There will be no noticeable change for our board, staff or volunteers, and the work with seniors will continue.

New: Bank Account: Kiwibank 38-9025-0361487-00. Charity Service No. CC61759

However, charitable trusts do not have members, but can have support groups. So, your Age Concern Membership will be transferred to the Trust’s support group which we have named the “Huia Club”. Members will still receive our quarterly Seniority magazine, and eNewsletters.

Members play an important part in the life of Age Concern’s work as key supporters.

More information on the Age Concern Wellington Region Trust can be found by searching the Charities Services website:

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